V-Games High Risk Games

The V-Games, Games D-kin-R, Games S-and-W and Games C-and-W are considered the high risk games. These games require minimum GVs ranging from 5,000GV, 15,000GV and 50,000GV to play. Though the PW are very high but spike occurrence are rare to compare with low risk games. A player that engages on high risk games with varying GV tends to win games rarely through instant spike occurrence. But when a spike occurs in high risk games millionaires are made.

High risk games come with high PW but executes long-period-spike repetitions for instant wins. The more games are booked repetitively the more provoking power of spikes activation but in a longer time intervals.

All WPP second draw ranking begin after 12 hours a game was booked. Gamers are advised not to delete unexpired games from their profile if games entered have WPPs greater than 49%. All played games beyond 24 hours can be deleted through a user's profile page.

When booking games, ensure your wallet balance is twice the GV of the GT else booking would bounce back and become unsuccessful. E.g., if you have VGC 200 in your wallet you can only book a game of GV 100 once. If you have VGC 1000 in your wallet you can book a game of GV 500 once, GV 200 4times, GV 100 9times and so on. This is to ensure a gamer does not lose all his money once without winning any game.

V Games High Risk Games are designed to cause spikes rarely with high PW for winning and is capable of yielding a 100% WPP which represents absolute win. When a win happens it takes a longer time to occur again.

When games are entered take note of all WPPs between 50% and 100% as they are spike carriers for instant winning. All WPPs between 0% to 49% are spike killers and render games to absolute loss.

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