V-Games AI for Game Winners
The V-Games AI (VAI) is a web app artificial intelligence programed to detect games and assign a winner or winners through either instant spike or WPP ranking. The V-Games AI (VAI) selects game winners by the VAI Codes. A player is given five optional VAI Codes to enter a game through which chances of winning a big deal is determined. In some cases a player with high game records catches the game through VAI ordering. A player can also be compensated through high WPP ranking by the AI.
The VAI codes pattern are not case sensitive as one can modify the selected code before submitting a game. If a modified code activates a spike to cause winning above VGC 500,000.00. Such winning might require VAI code verification before amount won is paid.In the first draw of V-Games, spike takes place to cause instant winning. An instant winning can be confirmed by observing the change in your Pay Out increasing to a higher value or by checking your GS in your profile. A GS with 'W' means won while a GS with 'L' means loss. When excess spikes take place second draw by WPP ranking enters hibernation. V-Games second draw begins after 12 hours a game was booked and ends after 24 hours a game was booked. The second draw uses gamebind to group games with WPP of 50% and above. Any game with WPP less than 50% automatically enters absolute loss. All games with higher WPP are grouped alphabetically and each alphabet holds a group. The highest WPP in a group emerges the winner. In the case of multiple equal WPPs as the highest value, affected gamers are selected randomly by calculating individual loss and win rates. Low risk games are the most favourable in WPP ranking as GTs contain one unique alphabet. All winners can withdraw their monies through the submitted bank account details. All payments are processed in naira and processing fees are charged. Sign Up Now Go Back